I Am Less Interested in Sex
Sex drive ebbs and flows throughout everyone’s lives. However, if you’re noticing a persistent decline in your libido, it may be a sign that you’re experiencing hormonal changes.
Lower libido is common in older age, and it can become frustrating. There are several ways to improve it, and together, we’ll discuss the possible underlying causes for a decreased sex drive, along with available solutions to boost your sex drive and confidence.
Common Reasons for a Decreased Libido
The natural aging process causes a steady decline in women’s sex hormones. With menopause, which occurs around age 50, the body naturally experiences a sharp decline in sex hormone production. This means that the body’s levels of estrogen and testosterone drop. While low estrogen can lead to menopause symptoms like hot flashes, low testosterone can take a serious toll on your libido.
Additionally, the natural aging process often leads to changes in the vaginal tissues that can also negatively impact your sex drive. Women tend to experience vaginal dryness and painful sex in older age, which makes intercourse less enjoyable. As a result, you become less fond of sex.
Fortunately, hormone therapy may help enhance your sex drive during the perimenopause and menopause stages of life. BioTE® bioidentical hormone therapy provides a continuous and smooth dose of hormones (estrogen and testosterone if a candidate) to help resolve your symptoms and improve your libido without rollercoaster side effects.
If you’re struggling to cope with stress, your sex drive could be suffering as a result. As a natural response to stress, the body produces cortisol, which is a stress hormone. Cortisol can easily stifle your sex hormones, leading to reduced libido.
Many people experience a drop in their libido following childbirth. This is due to a variety of reasons, including hormonal shifts, limited time for intimacy, and general fatigue. While it’s common to experience a change in your sex drive after childbirth, setting aside time to rekindle your relationship will help in staying connected with your partner.
If you’re experiencing a persistent low libido, schedule an appointment at Visionary Centre for Women to learn more about strategies and treatment options to rediscover your sexual satisfaction.