Mons Pubis Fat
The mons pubis is a section of fatty tissue that’s found just above the pubic bone. Some women have excess fat tissue in this area, which may make them feel uncomfortable, mainly in tight clothing, workout clothes or a bathing suit. Excess fatty tissue in the mons pubis is particularly prominent if you’ve undergone a tummy tuck or liposuction in the abdomen. These procedures flatten the abdomen, which can make the bulge more visible.
Whether caused by genetics, aging, hormone fluctuations, or weight gain, excess mons pubis fat can be frustrating. But, it’s possible to reduce this fat with mons lipo surgery. This procedure effectively slims down the area and can give you a more flattering silhouette.
What is Mons Lipo?
Mons lipo is a painless procedure that’s typically done with local anesthesia. This means that patients are awake during the procedure but feel relaxed and at ease throughout. A tumescent solution is used to deliver the local anesthesia, and once the area is numbed, very small incisions are made in the mons pubis. A small tube called a micro-cannula is then inserted through the incision and excess fat cells are suctioned away.
The Benefits of Mons Lipo
The mons lipo procedure can help you regain confidence in your physique, especially in intimate settings or when you’re wearing tight clothing. This treatment gives more streamlined look for a slimmer silhouette. Additionally, once the fat cells are removed with liposuction, they’re gone permanently! Maintaining a healthy weight can help prevent changes to the size and shape of the mons pubis in the future.
If you’re looking for a solution to excess mons pubis fat, schedule a consultation at Visionary Centre for Women today! Dr. Hayes can determine if the mons lipo procedure is a good fit for you.