This has been an amazing experience I will
always cherish and am so grateful for.
-Dr. Hayes
Dear Patients, Loved Ones and Chosen Family,
The one constant thing in life is change.
I have had the honor and passion to be your physician and Gyn care collaborator for 33 years. I have been in osteopathic medicine officially for 42 years and, as many of you know, actively “scrubbing-in” to surgical cases in the OR, for 51 years! You have been my chosen family for all these years. For many of you, we have grown up together. Others I have literally delivered and still get to care for. I have watched many of you retire and have heard great things about it from you. I am going to try it myself now.
The past two years have been filled with grief and loss of my beloved mother. The loss of several other close family members has added to this pivotal feeling. And like many in Pinellas County (& Florida & NC), my newly renovated home, that had never flooded, took on water in the two recent back-to-back historic hurricanes. I will take this time now to tend to & heal my own home & my own heart.
Thank you for bringing me along as a steward in your life’s journeys. From caretaking your pregnancies and sharing in the birth of your children, to your yearly Gyn needs, to minimally invasive and restorative surgery together, to addressing quirky problems because no one else seemed to care, to bringing the new field & advancements of Cosmetic Gyn here – enhancing our sensation, response, enjoyment and personal comfort. I felt so lucky to bring these new advancements to our community, and to get to enhance my own quality of life while I was enhancing yours!
Thank you to my close-knit office staff, who I couldn’t do a thing for anyone without! Special shout out to my longtime “right arm” RN and administrator, Maria Kinzer. You have worked for me almost as Iong as I have worked for myself. Lol! Another special thank you to my incomparable 1st Assist in the OR, my “work husband,” Gary Slater. You were always by my side to help make our surgeries smooth and fun. And thank you to everyone behind the scenes that have helped make Visionary the magical place it is. Thank you, most of all, to all of you for keeping us successful, through all the years and all of life’s ups and downs.
Surgery scheduling has ended. I did my last surgery on Friday and have opened up the rest of my schedule to see as many of you as possible before we close. It’s been a great honor to be your doctor. I will always be your doctor in my heart.
Till we meet again…
Love always,
-Dr. Hayes
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