Vaginoplasty and labiaplasty are both procedures affecting the vaginal area. While these procedures can both enhance a woman’s self-confidence and sexual satisfaction, the treatments target different areas.
Let’s learn more about the differences between vaginoplasty and labiaplasty, as well as how each of these procedures can improve women’s comfort, confidence, and sexual gratification.
What Is Labiaplasty?
Labiaplasty is a procedure that addresses a long or stretched labia minora, which commonly occurs as a result of the aging process and/or childbirth. During this procedure, the labia is sculpted to achieve a smaller size and greater symmetry. In addition to improving the look of the labia, labiaplasty can resolve issues associated with a stretched labia, including:
- Irritation after sex
- Pinching during sex
- Discomfort during physical activity or while sitting for prolonged periods
- Bulge from the labia while wearing tight clothing
- Multi-directional urine stream
What Is Vaginoplasty?
While labiaplasty exclusively addresses the labia minora, vaginoplasty addresses the vaginal muscles. It’s well-suited to women who are experiencing a wide or loose vagina, rather than a stretched labia minora.
It restores vaginal muscle tone for greater strength and control. The procedure also tightens the vaginal tissues, which increases friction and sensation during sex. Problems including gas noises coming from the vagina during sex, tampons falling out, and stress urinary continence caused by loosened vaginal tissues can also be improved.
Women also notice a rejuvenated appearance of the vagina after vaginoplasty. This can provide a boost of confidence, especially in intimate settings.
Is Labiaplasty or Vaginoplasty Right for You?
Labiaplasty and vaginoplasty provide some of the same benefits to women but address different problems. If you’re struggling with a long or stretched labia minora, you may want to consider labiaplasty. If you’re experiencing a wide or loose vagina with decreased sensation during sex, vaginoplasty could be right for you.
Dr. Hayes at the Visionary Centre for Women can help you determine if vaginoplasty or labiaplasty could benefit you. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.